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 Research On The Concept of Life And Death Between Japanese And Chinese    


 谚语 生死观 宗教观    


 adages the concept of life and death loyalty    

摘    要每一个民族的文化都有各自的独特风格和内涵。每一个民族的文化在其内涵的准则、规范、行为、模式表层下,都有一套价值系统,本族集团成员对它很容易理解,另一民族文化集团的人们却不易察觉。同一民族的成员互相间可以用这一模式会预知和理解对方的行为意义,从而不会发生误解。跨文化的交际,则情况完全不同。因为存在着两种不同的价值、文化观及行为模式,所以不能用本民族的价值行为观去理解对方。日本和中国是一衣带水的邻国,两国文化有着很多的共同点,但经过长期的发展,性格上仍然存在着显著的差异,这说明国民性或民族性事实上是存在的,它们之间的差异是受文化,社会,经济,教育等方面所决定。本文从日中两国语中与“生死观”有关的谚语,日中两国的基本伦理规范,以及两国人的宗教观等方面考察日本人和中国人的生死观之异同。本文共五个章节,第一章为绪论部分,主要阐述了研究目的,研究现状和研究方法,第二章从日中两国语中与“生死观”有关的谚语考察两国人的生死观;第三章从两国的基本伦理规范来考察两国人的生死观;第四章从两国人的宗教观信仰方面考察两国人的生死观;第五章为结论部分,主要归纳两国人生死观的相同点和不同点。 通过分析得知,日本人主要为耻辱,名誉,义理而死,反之,中国人比起受辱,名誉,更多的倾向乃是为国家,正义,成就,自由而献身。日本人把忠作为基本伦理规范,为主君牺牲生命的人有很多,而中国人的传统观念是孝,宋代以后出现移孝于忠,忠上升为爱国主义的忠,所以在中国为国家牺牲生命是被受到认可的。这与日本的为主君尽忠的含义有很大的不同。日本受神道的为天皇效忠思想和佛教的无常教义的影响,使日本人能够镇静地看待命运,对于前途所不可避免之死,也能安之如归;而儒教的以孝为本,舍生取义思想和佛教的生死轮回观念在中国深入人心,决定着中国人的生死观取向主要是为国家,为正义而献身。
Abstract Every national culture has a set of value system under the mode of behavior and social rules which is from the unique style and intension of national culture. The members of one national group can understand easily the value system of their own nation which is understood hardly by the members of other national group. The members in the same nation can know well each other by the same value system and can not misunderstand which will not happen between the value systems of different cultures. Because of the different mode of behavior, culture view and value system, people can not understand each other by the respective national value system. As neighboring countries, between Japan and China there are lots of general characters even the same scripts and race. But with a long-term development, the clear difference of characters between Japanese and Chinese has happened. Indeed, the national characters are existent and the difference in national characters is determined by many factors, such as culture, society, economy, education, and so on. This thesis will describe the difference of the concept of life and death between Japanese and Chinese from the adages about the concept of life and death, the basic ethical rules and the concepts of religions. The thesis includes five chapters: Chapter one is exordium which describes the purpose, status quo and methods about the study. Chapter two expounds the concept of life and death from the adages about the concept of life and death in Japanese and Chinese. Chapter three expounds the concept of life and death from the basic ethical rules of two countries. Chapter four expounds the concept of life and death from religions and believes. Chapter five is about the final conclusion which mainly concludes the same and different points on the concept of life and death between Japanese and Chinese. By analysis, we know that Japanese is inclined to devote the lives because of humiliation, reputation and loyalty, but Chinese is for nation, justice, achievements and freedom. Japanese see the loyalty as the basic ethical rules and devote the lives for emperor and hosts in majority, but Chinese traditional concept is filial piety. And after the Song Dynasty, the filial piety became the loyalty that is kind of patriotism. So it is admitted that devoting the lives for the country, which is so different with Japanese loyalty for emperor and hosts. Because of being affected by the thought of devoting the lives for emperor and impermanence creed of Buddhism, Japanese can treat their lives calmly and keep calm for the avoidless death. Whereas the thoughts of filial piety and devoting the lives for loyalty on Confucianism and the rotating concept of life and death in Buddhism has affected Chinese deeply which determines that Chinese concept of life and death is devoting the lives for the country and justice.

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